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Detectives or investigators are police officers who are specially assigned and trained to investigate individual criminal cases. There have been many famous detectives in history and in fiction -- such as Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes (though they weren't cops) or Inspector Clouseau and Sgt. Joe Friday. Whatever you might read in fiction or elsewhere, the best investigators are invariably very persistent, detail-oriented people who think and think and think about all the bits and pieces of evidence and information they have to solve a case. One of my friends -- Tom Smith, who used to be a detective with the Albany, New York Police -- solved one of his famous cases while standing in the shower: THE SOGGY DETECTIVE Tom pondered his clues in the shower For hour after hour after hour. Of his cases, he found the solutions While performing his daily ablutions. Yes, Tom was a highly effective If soggy and pruny and squishy detective. This poem describes the typical detective -- someone who was obviously born to the job: THE DETECTIVE From very early in his youth, 'Twas clear this guy would be a sleuth. Yes, early showed he predilection For future work in crime detection. While in his mother's arms protective, The bouncing baby boy detective Took notes and even solved a case Before he'd ever walked a pace. Precociously, he started talking; While he in cradle still was rocking, He startled all the gent-a-ry By crying: "Element-a-ry!" No circuses or trips to zoos Distracted him from searching clues. No games or pranks did him involve Unless to win meant mystery solved. We'd count on this one not to peek While we would hide for him to seek. He even scorned all nursery rhymes Except the ones involving crimes. We clearly saw that he possessed One object he pursued with zest And knew the field he'd find a job in When he nailed the bird who killed Cock Robin. Go To TABLE OF CONTENTS Questions? E-mail Us! CONSTANTINE'S CIRCUS, INC. PO Box 7223 Capitol Station Albany, NY 12224-0223 518-465-4413 518-465-3200 FAX |