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For Tom Constantine When you were leaving, I wrote to you of our sojourn in St. Louis. "That arch," I wrote; "My gaze swept up its steely, muscular curve -- armature for a rainbow or a triumph -- and I thought: I can do that if I stick with you." Yesterday, I read through all the newspapers looking for the history of you and me. In my words, your hometown paper recalled your old mentor and the foundation he laid for truth and justice. And far across the sea, in an old and troubled city new to both of us, my words reached you still at work. You tell me of the cranes on that city skyline -- "There's life and vitality," you say. Where you are, there is. So on your word I raised up a vision of something monumental, that would soar from this place to that, that you and I love well rising reborn, renewed and tempered from the flames and ashes. After you left, I wrote to the woman who used to answer the phone when I called you: "When I think of him, I am in mind of those blessed to hunger and thirst after justice for its own sake." Terry O'Neill, 2001 Questions? E-mail Us! CONSTANTINE'S CIRCUS, INC. PO Box 7223 Capitol Station Albany, NY 12224-0223 518-465-4413 518-465-3200 FAX |